About Theraphi Therapy at HOLOS NYC
Rebalance, Recharge & Rejuvenate
The Theraphi is a holistic, non-invasive method that restores the cells of the body to an optimal state of health. It activates the body’s healing regeneration system by producing a powerful bio-active field.
Precise frequencies of hydrogen and phi-ratio harmonics are modulated and pass through a unique mixture of noble gases. The highly-charged plasma waveforms pass through your body resulting in a recharging of the cells.
The two plasma tubes, with opposing spin polarities, emulate the super-coherence of a healthy living energy field. The waves converge in such a way that they focus and self- organize to create an increase of order and vitality, stimulating the natural healing process.
More simply put, the Theraphi creates perfectly mirrored sets of energy waves that meet as they get infinitely smaller at precisely phi ratio. These energy waves carry trillions of different vibrations, each in Phi ratio. Natures Phi ratio is the fundamental principle that the Universe uses to multiply and divide itself on all levels. It is the fractal geometry of nature and consciousness, and operates at all levels of scale in the body.
The Theraphi is the next evolution in the healing technologies pioneered by Nikola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, George Lakhovsky and Antoine Priore.
Find out how the Theraphi can benefit you, how it can structure water, and enhance plant growth. Discover the effects of 'cell memory reversal' and its powerful anti-aging abilities.
Give your pets the healing effects of the Theraphi!
In 1944, Antoine Priore noticed some oranges which had been left in a room next to some electrical equipment. These oranges remained in a fresh state while others not near the electrical equipment became rotten and putrid. Tests made with the Prior machine on cancer tissues always caused total remission in all tissues exposed to the peach blossom violet color which the machine emitted. The device converted cancer cells back to normal cells and the “Priore signal” stimulated the normal cells, but did not hurt them at all. The device also clearly showed to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries and to lower the cholesterol levels to normal. Many of the experiments and tests were done by prestigious members of the French Academy of Sciences, with a budget of over $16M, however no one knew of phase conjugation at the time. The science was not completely understood and funding was closed down. The machines of Antoine Priore were dismantled shortly after his death in the early 80’s. The original Priore plasma tubes were heavy, large, expensive and labor intensive. The Theraphi avoids these issues and uses solid-state emitters/mixers, the design is robust and easily transportable, and we now completely understand the physics involved, in fact we have advanced it to the 10th degree!
The evolution of the Theraphi device has been in development for over 100 years. The genius Nikola Tesla was the first to suggest its uses. This idea then inspired later pioneers such as Antoine Priore, Royal Raymond Rife, Alexander Gurwitsch and George Lakhovsky.
Find out how the Theraphi can benefit you, how it can structure water, and enhance plant growth. Discover the effects of 'cell memory reversal' and its powerful anti-aging abilities.